Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturday Morning Vingettes

Kate is seated with her little drawing/writing tablet that erases. She begins aloud:

Kate: This is going to awkward because she's standing right here. I wanted to watch a movie and she wouldn't let me. I wanted to play a game and she wouldn't let me.

Me: What? I tried to get you to play Memory with Sarah and me!

Kate: [ignoring me] I wanted to go outside and she wouldn't let me.

Me: I told you to go outside! It's beautiful out! Maybe you should go outside right now.

Kate: [still ignoring me, continues writing] I wanted to put a puzzle together and she wouldn't let me.

Me: You're outta line, Drueke.

Kate: I wanted something to eat and she wouldn't feed -

Me: WHAT? Who made you that waffle with Nutella?!? Who got you a glass of milk?

Kate: [Looks at me impassively, blinks, falls silent but continues writing].


Later that same morning.

I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I hear a yell from the kitchen.

Sarah: Sorry mommy!

I stop brushing and stand as still as a deer in headlights. Then I spit out the toothpaste.

Me: Sorry for what?

Sarah: Sorry I had an accident on Kate's book bag.


Aftermath. Kate is still writing on her tablet. She walks her falsified report over to me.

Kate: See mommy? I drew a heart. It says I love you. Even though you won't let me watch a movie.


Unknown said...

sounds like it's time for the theater w/ all that drama!!! least she's expressing her thoughts? :)

LMP said...

Expressing her thoughts was never something with which Kate had trouble, that's for sure.

sunglasseshurtmynose said...

Am I to understand that Sarah peed on Kate's backpack? Awesome.
WV: gnompal - I like gnomes.

LMP said...

Yes, Sarah peed on Kate's backpack. This, I suspect, was no "accident".