The woman in line in front of me at the coffee shop rounded up her credit card bill while signing it. Am I
really expected to tip my barista*? Are they like wait staff in that they only make $2.19/hr or what? Am I an a-hole for only occasionally tipping at the coffee shop? Am I in the minority with my bitterness at already paying so much for a cup of coffee and then being expected to choose to pay more? I resented that woman for causing me cognitive dissonance and shaming me into tipping for my latte.
Since declaring a house-warming party in a couple weeks, our house is getting really clean and organized. It's wonderful! We should have parties more often. I'm thinking of hiring some student for the 4-hour period to make sure the food keeps coming and the dishes get washed so I can actually have fun. I feel like a real grown-up!
The girls were singing along with the song about the days of the week from Here Come the 1,2,3s. The second verse is just "oh yes, yes practice trumpet every day...on Monday, practice trumpet every day..." and so on. Kate, at the top of her lungs, sang "Oh yes, yes I strumpet everyday!"
All the VA Druekes will be joining us for Thanksgiving this year. We are thrilled. Kate says Uncle Chris will be really happy to watch her fairy tales with her. She sure knows her Uncle Chris!
I frequently complain, when I see poll results, that no one as ME about that stuff. How do they
know that only 2 in 5 Americans can name all the branches of their own government? I was not quizzed thusly. So, the other day when some opinion poll chick called while I was cooking dinner, I answered her weird, weird questions. My favorites were:
Do you think the food at Starbucks is healthier? (
Me - Healthier than what? Her - It doesn't say)
Do you think The Media is strongly biased toward any of the candidates? (
Me - define "media". Her - Just The Media)
Does anyone in your home have chronic urinary tract problems? (
Me - so THAT'S what this is really about!)
*Blogger spellcheck thinks these people might actually be Batistas.