Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday in the Park

Having frittered away a great deal of our errand-running time touching trucks on Saturday, Sunday found us with a great deal to do. But it was a beautiful day so we didn't do it then, either. Instead we took a walk to the park in Kirkwood and I basked in the sun on a rock like a happy snake, making our menu for the week, while the kids enjoyed the slides, ladders, swings and mud puddles.

Shortly after this photo was taken Sarah fell off the swing. She landed right on her face. She whimpered a little and Kate got off the swing to check on her. But then, with no urging from Jeremiah or me or even her sister, Sarah got up, dusted herself off and got back on the swing. We were so proud. When I uploaded this photo to the computer Kate and Sarah were watching. "Where's the one of me falling?" Sarah asked as Kate was asking nearly the exact same thing. "I didn't catch that on film." I stated, and then wondered if they would ask 'what's film?' They didn't, but Sarah did her new alternative to fit-pitching, which I love, and said "Awwwwh MAN!"

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