Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday night in Excitingville

Until Jeremiah has finished utilizing the massage gift certificate I gave him for Christmas, there will be no sushi before me. Meanwhile, I'm watching one of those creepy Barbie movies with the girls. They tricked me into joining them by telling me they were going to watch Despicable Me. Total bait and switch. Big changes with little Kate this week. She's taken to using an alarm clock to get up for school all on her own. She's been getting up and getting herself dressed all by herself every morning. Well, every morning except yesterday. Yesterday Jeremiah had to go wake her up. When he asked Kate if she'd set her alarm she said she had, but "when it buzzed, I wanted to keep sleeping, so I turned it off". Perfectly logical. Kate and Sarah have been bathing themselves, which is also new. They do a good job. Faces, hair, even necks are noticeably clean. It's a whole new freedom. I put them in the tub dirty, go make dinner, and they emerge clean and dressed in their pajamas. The bathroom is usually trashed but it's totally worth it. Lately, Kate's been asking if she can join the Girl Scouts. I was a Juliette Lowe follower myself all the way from first grade through junior high. Back then they didn't have Daisies but now, Sarah could join, too. I quit Girl Scouts because I hated selling cookies, and I still don't want to sell cookies but I do have a lot of fond memories of my time with my troop, so I have been looking into local troops. Looks like we'll have at least one cookie peddler in the house soon. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:TV Room

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