Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Destruct-o Kate

Someone, and I don't want to say any names here

decided it would be a good idea to arm Kate.

In the blood (OK, water) bath that followed, no one was spared.
Tragically, we were all soaking wet before dinner. We finally managed to get the trigger-happy, gun-toting maniac tucked into bed, but only because we allowed her to sleep with her weapon. Knowing that happiness is a warm gun, it seemed like concession enough in exchange for some damn peace.
Sarah was glad to have the shooting spree over with.


Brooklyn Volunteer said...

You go Mother Superior Kate jumping that gun. Irene pleads for a toy gun all the time.

LMP said...

Well, a gun is cheaper than a pony...

Anonymous said...

I missed the 'Gunfight at the Kicking N' Screaming Corral', darn it...

They looked like they had fun; must have been exhausted too, and slept throught the night...