Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Working from Home

I sat working at my dining room table, where I like to set up shop even though we have a lovely office, when a sweet little mockingbird hopped into view through the French doors. I watched him poke around on the patio a bit, seemingly searching for munchies. Then his bright eyes caught mine. His fluffy chest puffed up a bit as if to say hello and then...a tiny round poo emerged from his backside onto my flagstone. What a shame it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.


FlapScrap said...

It's not a sin anymore -- read your PATRIOT Act.

Boomin' Granny said...

Too late, he's gone!

LMP said...

The poo, of course, remains.

The Plaid Sheep said...

It could be a misunderstanding. Perhaps in bird-speak poo is a compliment. Well, it could be...

LMP said...

I don't know, I think it might be possible that he and I weren't really having A Moment afterall.