Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I once was blind, but now I see...

Got me some new specs! I had to wait a whole week for them, it was killing me. I like them because they're brown. I like brown. Also, it's nice to not be wearing my seemingly permanently pollen-encrusted contact lenses right now. This is the highlight of my day. I made our programmer take this photo of them with his phone. I realize you probably don't care much about my new glasses. But it's my blog; you can go write your own blog all about how boring mine is. See if I care.


Uncle Steve said...

My contact lenses that I'm wearing right now are totally encrusted with pollen and MY new glasses wont be in for another week, so I am very jealous of yours. I'm sure that they're very styley. I can't see them; I can't see anything, except pollen, really.

Lady Epiphany said...

They are adorable! I would've had trouble waiting a week for them too.

I got mine at one of those "in about an hour" places. Of course, with my "special matte coating" it took 2 weeks.