Friday, March 30, 2007

Terror on East Lake

The rain stopped and the sun came back out. When the girls got home from daycare, as usual, Kate wanted to play outside on the front porch. There was Fun With Chalk, Throw the Shoes Down the Steps and lots of Jump on the Glider. Neighbors jogged by with their "doggies!" and the sun began to set on another day. And then...we spotted it. Something so terrifying...

So monstrous...

It absolutely would not be appeased with a nice, green leaf as Eric Carle and I suggested.

No, the only thing to do was to seek refuge in the house, door safely locked. And even now, while we duck below the windows, peering out periodically to be sure the creature hasn't found a weak spot in our fortress, it lurks on the porch. Poised for attack.


The Plaid Sheep said...

I guess entomology is out then.

FlapScrap said...

... and tequilla.

Anonymous said...

Scaring the poor girl! - Stop it...