Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hanging out with The Queen

Her Royal Majesty of England, former imperial taxin' without representin' overlords of our fine nation, Queen Elizabeth II, paid a visit to my home state, Virginia (one of the original colonies) last week. As I'm sure you know, the Jamestown settlement celebrates its 400th anniversary this year. This is a big deal. National Geographic even saw fit to celebrate it in this month's issue.

Jamestown is, of course, one of our greatest arguments for keeping out all those pesky foreigners that are clamouring for citizenship in our great land. The Jamestown immigrants showed up, stole the land, spread disease, marauded, grave-robbed and ultimately sent the natives packing. You simply can't trust them. But still, due to the anniversary, the Queen made a stop at near-by William & Mary and my own in-laws got to go see her! By my calculations, Chris & Sonya's distant view of Her Majesty is as close as I'll ever get actually being royalty.

The Queen came, stood up (I think she's standing, anyway) and waved. According to Sonya, she spoke not a word. All the hype and hubbub, and then not one word. Sonya reported this to me, and then, to my great amusement, called The Queen a whore. It's true you can't choose your family. But sometimes you get lucky.


FlapScrap said...

Who are Chris and Sonya? Is Chris Jeremiah's brother? Looks like him, though younger, fresher, stronger, taller.

I sure wish we all knew each other -- I'd bet there are some nice people in this family.

Anonymous said...

Do you know, I was born and raised in London, but never met the Queen there...

My mum saw it fit that I spent five years in St. Lucia, and during my time there I shook the Queen's hand!

Keith said...
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Keith said...

Sonya shouldn't ge' all pish. Tha's a righ' bonneh tick'uh she has there it is. Tha'll get her throo.

Besides, we were all warned; her majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she hasn't got a lot to say.

The Plaid Sheep said...

And what did our president do? Imply that the Queen was really really old by once again letting his tongue get ahead of his brain. Not that getting ahead of his brain is all that difficult.