Friday, February 16, 2007

Last Night's Dream

We finished dinner and decided to head out to the local trampoline street fighting scene. We arrived in a packed room and found space next to a recently retired couple right up next to the studio-apartment sized brightly colored trampoline. The somewhat ungoverned fighting was in full swing. I noticed it wasn't terribly violent - lots of pushing and yanking and what appeared to be synchronized tumbling. There was some unrest among the crowd and I saw my friend Anni take the trampoline as "The Engine". I tried to wave hello but she didn't see me, she was busy taking down every comer, one after another. Then she got bored and ceded the spot to some other anxious fighter. She wore a leotard exactly like the one Kate wears to gymnastics class. We pushed our way through the crowd to find her with Ben, her husband, seated on a couch and drinking a latte. Ben was not in a leotard.

We chatted for awhile and then Jeremiah looked at me and said "we should get home, we left the kids there alone". We DID? Why did we do that?!? Then I remembered, oh yeah, we'd just tucked them into bed and admired their snoozing sweetness. I collected my shoes, which I'd kicked off at some point and noticed that I had one of Kate's shoes, too. We rushed passed the trampoline, taking only the briefest moment to jump on it, and past the jazz band, down the stairs of what appeared to be David & Susan's old brownstone in Brooklyn, and directly into our house. At one point I thought I'd lost Kate's shoe, but I found it again when I entered the girls' room. They were there, sleeping peacefully. Whew. Next time we'll take the monitor with us.


The Plaid Sheep said...

I'm thinkin' you need to get out more.
This was much nicer than my last dream which was a nightmare involving a small man with a large gun. Disturbing.

LMP said...

If the man was small enough and the gun big enough, you might have had nothing to fear.

Anna Kirkland said...

Cool! I appeared in Lisa's dream, kicking some serious ass! and apparently wearing something I'd never normally wear... This sounds much better than my very unglamorous daily life of an untenured professor with students getting anxious about exams and grades. "You think that question was 'misleading'? I'll show you misleading!" Ka-pow!

Keith said...

That's the same outfit Anni wears in most of my dreams, too.

jdrueke said...

and from the top rope, it's "The Untenured Professor!" WHOOOOOOO!!

Uncle Steve said...

I'm worried about what that badass is going to do to Piglet.

LMP said...

Piglet would be well served by a solid whoopin'. It's high time someone did it.

Boomin' Granny said...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, Ben was NOT wearing a leotard?? Damn!!--what was he wearing??
No more latte for Lisa!

LMP said...

I don't know what Ben was wearing...not surprising considering Anni's attention-grabbing ensemble.

Anonymous said...

Delphi, call me.

~small man, big gun