Friday, June 29, 2007

FINE, Anonymous, HAPPY?

Yeah, I know, I've been away. I was preparing for a sizable meeting, attending said meeting in parts out of town, then debriefing (in other words, preparing for the next meeting) and I'm spent. But here's what we did before I was officially spent, last weekend.
We went to Rusty and Jennifer's house.

We enjoyed some cold beverages.

We played some croquet.

We looked fabulous.
We filled the pool and swam a bit.
And we ate. There are no pictures of us eating, but I promise we did.
Since then, Sarah has discovered a love for the warm air that shoots out the top of the vacuum cleaner canister. She has also figured out how to turn it off while I'm vacuuming. This is why I've decided not to bother vacuuming anymore. Ever. It's too hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quality stuff. Fine work. Not boring, but not as good as this other blog I saw: