Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Morning After

I was standing at my bathroom sink putting my contacts in while Jeremiah showered, when Kate slinked with cat-like silence into our bathroom this morning. All tussled blonde and purple princess nightgown, she was groggy but smiling. "Daddy" she said, as Jeremiah shaved "I'm sorry I was so bad last night." I didn't even hear her, she managed to truly only say it to him; he told me about it tonight.

When Jeremiah told me I thought of my post from last night, and of the conversation we had Saturday night, after I'd spent the entire day cleaning, only to have the kids trash the place before they went to bed so it seemed as though I'd done nothing, causing me to become somewhat unpleasant, about how great our lives would be if we'd never had children. I then felt like a total asshole. This, I suppose, is the how it goes.

I went out with my girlfriends this evening for drinks and a mani/pedi. Yes you heard me right. A mani/pedi. I haven't had a pedicure since before the 3-Day last year so don't look at me like that. We drank a few beers before and a bottle of wine during the pampering and reflected on how this is what we'd do every week if we'd married rich husbands. We didn't, though, so instead we ended up talking about work a lot and no one was quite willing to put her Blackberry out of sight. Never-the-less we had a delightful time and I am still feeling relaxed and lucky. This afternoon made possible by an awesome husband who picked the girls up from daycare, fed them and got them changed and ready for bed.

When I got home Kate & Sarah were just about to get into bed. Kate ran to me and gave me a big hug. Sarah was next. "Were you girls good for Daddy tonight?" I asked, smooching each of them. "Yes!" Kate said, "I didn't throw nothing in the toilet!" Sarah nodded in agreement. "Anything." I said, "you didn't throw anything in the toilet".


FlapScrap said...

Not having children is very pleasant. We do what we want and have very easy access to kids if we want to hear their squeaky voices. Jude brought me dinner in the driveway tonight because I'm detailing my Vespa under the floodlights with talk radio on. The four-year-old boy and his one-year-old brother from next door were hanging with me until about 5 minutes ago, when their Mom came out to put them to bed. They are pissed off at her, I'll tell you. I think they're great, but now that they've bailed I'm switching to iPod and enjoying an after-dinner snifter. Your kids are wonderful, don't get me wrong. But you're totally upside down in them and if you try to get out of it the other baby lovers out there will put your ass in jail. But I'll come visit you because I'll have the time.

Keith said...

You can drop them off at any hospital 
in Nebraska, if you hurry.

LMP said...

So how DO you get hyperlinks in your comments?

Boomin' Granny said...

Lisa, your blog brought tears to my eyes! I don't know how many nights I went to bed thinking "I didn't say one nice thing to our kids today. I am a bad person"
You are not alone!

Anonymous said...

snds lik yu an yr mom ar both bad pepleo

LMP said...

@Boomin' - thanks, mom. I don't remember you going entire days without saying anything nice to me, and I seem to have turned out really got some poor results with the boys, I have to say...but since my kids are girls and since I turned out so well, I'm thinking things might just be alright.

Keith said...

I recall a lot of days where I didn't have anything nice to say to anyone. Worse yet, I've never once cried over it. You're right to be upset, Mom. You raised a total a-hole.