Thursday, November 30, 2006

Favorites Vol 3

First of all - this is it! The last day of Nablopomo, and I actually managed to post every single day. OK, sometimes it was a bit half-ass but still. I might have to rest tomorrow.

Last night while making dinner (late again because this duel bedtimes thing is something we really can't seem to figure out) I heard an episode of Speaking of Faith on NPR. I don't usually hear that show because, well, it comes on after I'm out of the car. But last night's was called The Spirituality of Parenting; it was being replayed, Joy had mentioned it to me a few days ago. It was so positive and comforting that I listened to the entire thing and wanted to share it.

I'm not a fan of religion. But I'm a huge fan of spirituality, and even though the woman being interviewed on the topic (she has books...I may add a couple to my wishlist.) is a Rabi, she seemed to have things in such great perspective, it caused the knot that's been steadily tightening in my stomach due to living among so many irrational bible thumpers for so long now, to loosen up. So many of the people I talk to on the topic down here are so thoughtlessly dogmatic that they send me off in as much the opposite direction as I can go. It didn't make me want to go to church. I'm pretty sure nothing ever will. But it did reinforce for me that I can be a good person anyway. And so can my kids. I'm not even worried about the strange birthmark on Sarah's head that looks like 666. I'm sure it's 999, anyway.

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