Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pagan Ritual

For her first Halloween Sarah was a caterpillar. Sarah wasn't wild about the whole thing. She thought the caterpillar outfit was too hot and she flat-out refused to go trick-or-treating as soon as she realized she wouldn't get to eat any of the candy. She's a pretty chatty girl these days and although you can't make out a word she's saying I'm reasonably certain it was "So, you want me to humiliate myself in this sweaty get-up that, incidentally, I've already spit up all over, so the neighbors will give me candy that YOU will ultimately eat? How about this - I go to bed and you people get your own damn candy." And she won that round.

Kate, meanwhile, was a butterfly (get it? Sarah's still a bit larval...) Butterflies eat with a tongue-like thing called a proboscis, as we all learned in 9th grade biology. To my extreme chagrin, I've been saying that word incorrectly for as long as I've known it. So, I taught Kate "probiscis". When she says it, it sounds like "pro-biscuits" and who can argue with that? She would say the word, but mostly, when you ask her to tell you what a butterfly's tongue is called she will confidently announce "tongue!" I made her a little flower through which I stuck the straw to her smoothie-cup, so she could sip her smoothie with her proboscis while in butterfly form. She very sweetly did that, then proceeded to tear the flower to shreds and spread it all over the house. I don't care. I got a photo.

Knowing we would probably have a lot of trick-or-treaters, Jeremiah and I realized one of us should stay home to hand out candy (and let the Very Grumpy Caterpillar sleep), while the other took Kate out for the evening. Jeremiah said "well...I don't mind staying here if you'd like to t-" and I hurriedly chimed in with "OK!" Kate's Uncle Steve joined us, which was nice because we were mainly on Steve & Joy's street and Kate insisted on being carried a good part of the evening. So poor Jeremiah had to stay home and protect the house while it was under siege by hundreds of local sugar-crazed ghosts and goblins. He ran out of candy before 7:30! That's alright, though, because Kate and I returned home with a big ol' pile of it.

1 comment:

The Plaid Sheep said...

Very nice. I'm sure the whole thing will be better appreciated in years to come.
I was a butterfly when I was 5. My sister made my costume out of cardboard. It was pretty good. But as we lived in an apartment building someone had to walk behind me everytime I entered or left the elevator so my wings would go through.