Friday, November 10, 2006

New sleeping quarters

Tonight Sarah has moved into what was formerly Kate's room and is now, officially, The Girls' Room. While I was giving Kate her bath (mostly just watching her take big sips of her bath water then spew the water out in a fountainesque manner until her fingers and toes turned to prunes) Jeremiah put Sarah to bed in the crib. In between geyser eruptions I explained to Kate that Sarah is her room mate now. Once Old Faithful was out of the tub I took her in to see Sarah in the crib and Kate said "Night night Sarah! Don't wake up!"


The Plaid Sheep said...

Amazing what they pick up isn't it?

LMP said...

Not as amazing as what they put in their mouths...

Lady Epiphany said...

Heh heh heh. Which is EVERYTHING not bolted down.

I don't know about you, but when I moved Lindsay's portable crib out of our bedroom, it was sad for me. I mean, I knew I had to do it because we're both too light sleepers. But for me that was the door closing on having a newborn...

LMP said...

It was bittersweet, but when I went up to check on them before going to bed, they were splayed out in identical positions in their respective beds - it was impossibly cute and it made me happy.